Yoga as Leadership
When I think back to why I fell in love with yoga, much of it was falling in love with the possibility of who I could be as a bigger...
Don’t Make it Weird
I sometimes say this in class before asking everyone to do something.......well- ‘weird’. For example, turn to the person next to you, smile and tell them your name and that...
Time To Practice
Now is the time. Every yoga cliché or platitude heard in a class or worn on a t-shirt is now live on the main stage of life. I’ve wished quite...
Drishti Power
One of the foundations of yoga practice is our gazing point or drishti. A place to set our eyes as access to being present and staying focused. I find in...
Mister Rogers the Yogi
I LOVE Mister Rogers. I grew up watching his television show on PBS and it was always a point of pride that he was from and filmed his show in...
Disrupt the Drift
Even if you are a new student to PYB you likely have heard a teacher using the expression ‘Disrupt the Drift’. This is a significant theme of Baptiste Yoga. And,...
Yoga is Everywhere
‘Yoga is not meant to live in the vacuum of a yoga studio, it’s meant to inform the way we live with each other and in the world.’ A fellow...
There’s No Crying in Baseball (but There is Crying in Yoga)
The famous line in ‘A League of Their Own’ is that Tom Hanks tells one of his female players in a shocked voice, ‘there is no crying in baseball’. I...
Should I Do ’40 Days’? (And, What is ’40 Days’?)
Yes, to the first question. (If you don’t feel like reading the whole blog post, you can stop right now and just refer to the first word.) I’ve been fortunate...
NO New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions tend to have a bad reputation for sounding like a chore and being notoriously unreliable. I think the main downfall is that the title alone: ‘New Year’s...