Discover yourbiggestself.

Have theboldestbreakthroughs.

Create yourbestlife.

We create a space for possibility in everything we do, and we show people through movement and message that yoga is for everybody.

We are not a spa. This is hard. We just want you to know that going in. You will not sit and relax. You stretch. You work. You push. You sweat. You will be renewed, but it will be up to you to make it happen. The body can do amazing things if the mind is willing. This will be the best workout you have ever had and one of the hardest things you have ever done. The miracle isn’t that you finish, it’s that you have the courage to start.

Welcome to Power Yoga Buffalo.

Come as you are.
New to Yoga or PYB? Don't be intimidated.
Something for everyone.
Classes for all levels of experience.
Join the PYB fam.
We want you and can't wait to meet you.
Millimeters on your mat = miles of growth in your mind and spirit. – Jamie

Come sweat with us!

758 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY
4575 Main Street, Snyder, NY